At tifh, we create meaningful play-driven conversations between parents and kids. Understanding the quest for the right tools to discuss complex subjects, we've collaborated with experts to craft collections suited for various ages.
Our kits inspire connections, giving kids a voice. We aim to empower parents, fostering memorable bonds and values sharing. Embark with us on a journey of discovery, play and connection at tifh.
Rotem Lev-Zwickel
Rotem is the founder of tifh, based in the vibrant heart of Brooklyn, NY. As a parent, Rotem understands the joys and challenges of raising curious little ones. With a passion for making parenting a bit more magical, Rotem created tifh to help parents navigate important conversations with their kids in a fun and engaging way. The kits are crafted to make those talks a little easier and a lot more enjoyable.
Dr. Leslie Ackerman
is a psychologist passionate about child development and family dynamics. A founding teammate with Rotem on tifh, providing expert insights to ensure the kits are not only fun but also psychologically sound. Together, they support parents in having meaningful and impactful conversations with their children.